Abstract - Crayon - The Excitement

by Mike Savad
Abstract - Crayon - The Excitement
Mike Savad
Mixed Media - Crayon & Hot Glue
How to capture excitement on canvas. It's harder than it looks. Because excitement is more than just joyous feelings, it can also be fear, surprise, all sorts of feelings. Bright orange represents the energy that is contained in excitement, see how it radiates out from the start and continues to travel throughout the thrill. Splashes of dark blue, almost appear as knives cutting into the energy, upsetting the balance between energy and the slight amount of anger that is also present. Sometimes the mind doesn't know what to think as there is so much going on. Splashes of white represent the pureness in true excitement, those are the moments when pure joy just bubbles up out of nowhere and goes away just as fast.
August 27th, 2012
Comments (20)

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Crayon Abstract composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L voted

Gary F Richards
Spectacular abstract composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest ALL ABSTRACT ART

Laurel Adams
Mike, the free form backstory is as exciting as the original work. Again, love the IMAGINATION underlying the media mix of crayon and hot glue...texture, texture and I love seeing yet another chapter in the painted book of colours. Really authentic work.

Lori Kingston
Now this one I can favorite and like and just flat out LOVE. Beautiful picture, wonderful title, perfect description. Oh, and by the way, I'm very excited that you were the first to join my contest. :)