Americana - The Milk and Egg wagon

by Mike Savad
Americana - The Milk and Egg wagon
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hdr Photography
Way back when they used to deliver milk and eggs by tossing them out like newspapers like they do today. It never really caught on because you needed quite a bit of strength to throw those milk cans out, and the eggs are self explanatory. Anyway, to make a long story short, that's why they pack eggs in Styrofoam.
June 29th, 2011
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Comments (1)

Phyllis Kaltenbach
Well, it wasn't the Horse and Buggy days when they picked up the full milk cans at the end of the driveway but it was during World War two and gasoline and sugar were rationed. At the ages of 6-8, I helped milk those cows. We skimmed off the cream and made our butter with it. At that time, they also let the schools out so the children could help pick the cotton crops. I can't possibly be that old! I'm still a young chick! Great Image!