Autumn - Cranford, NJ - Droescher's Mill

by Mike Savad
Autumn - Cranford, NJ - Droescher's Mill
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hdr Photography
Cranford, NJ - This Williams-Droecher Mill, and was built in 1737, it was one of the first buildings created, and operated as a saw mill. They made lumber for many of the houses in this town. Presently its the only mill that's left on the Rahway river
Built by Benjamin Williams, he used the overflow of the river to turn an undershot waterwheel to power his saws. He was successful enough that he built a wool factory right next door.
In 1902 a person by the name of Severin R Droescher bought the mill, and renovated it as we see it today. He used it to make Whetstones and Oilstones.
Today, evidence of mill parts are still around, gears, a dam for controlling the water. And next door, mysterious staircase that leads to no where. Presently the building serves as a yoga studio.
November 25th, 2018