Autumn - Tranquility of Autumn

by Mike Savad
Autumn - Tranquility of Autumn
Mike Savad
Photograph - Digital Art
Nothing quite beats a warm Autumn day in the countryside. The smell of burning leaves, pies, and fresh air now and then. The trees are turning a nice orange color, its a real shame it will be covered by white snow. The pumpkins are almost ready to harvest, sure hope I win in the local contest this year.
April 29th, 2023
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Comments (7)

Holly April Harris
A beautiful and cozy scene! I am very pleased to feature your awesome photo in ‘Seasons of the Trees in Photography!’ Please add it to the “2023 Second Quarter FEATURED IMAGES Gallery” thread in the discussions area to record and exhibit your image amongst the best in the group. Thank you! 5/4/23

Ali Bailey
What a beautiful place to be and a most wonderful description. Voted in "Water Outside" contest l/f

Nancy Carol Photography
WELL DONE! Excellent and thank you for sharing with us your wonderful work of art that has been proudly presented on the Home Page of the group, 'ART FOR PASSION - PASSION FOR ART'. If you wish, you may archive it permanently or promote it further in the Discussions Tabs titled, "April -May 2023 Features."