Car - Garage - It's just how we did things 1919 - Side by Side
by Mike Savad
Car - Garage - It's just how we did things 1919 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hand Colored Photo
Hand colored photo from 1919
Original title: Studebaker motor car in repair shop with garage mechanic
Photographer: Unknown
Location: San Francisco
Don't try this at home, he is a professional, he probably knows what he's doing. See in the old days, those precious old days that people remember as a good life, an easy life, this is how they worked on your car.
They attached a device of some kind to the front, presumably, then they hoisted it up, and slid that wooden thing under it. No wheel chocks, no brakes on that track, and it looks like one hoist for the whole shop. A swat at a fly could send the whole car swinging side to side. But at least he's comfortable sitting in that creeper.
Now the car is a Studebaker Model EG Big Six Touring car, weighing in at 3175bs. In its day it sold for around $1750-$2000 (about $36,000 today). The vehicle was powered by a 6 cylinder, 60 horsepower engine and could reach 80mph... and all of that car was balanced on two wheels and a wooden horse. And notice there are no lights, or a task light, no sir, they did it really old school, they used the sun. When it was cloudy or night, I guess they did it with candles?
An image like this really makes you appreciate lifts. While you do have to look up more, its probably safer. I chose these colors because there was a 1917 version of this car that had those colors, and this could have easily have been these colors. The other choice was red with wood wheels and those wheels are clearly painted. This car has a touring curtain accessory on the front and back.
May 31st, 2024
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