Chef - Kitchen - Coming home for the holidays

by Mike Savad
Chef - Kitchen - Coming home for the holidays
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hdr Photography
It's always been fun to visit grandma's house at the holidays, both sides of the family get together and cook up a feast, cooking the old fashioned way. Everything is cooked on a really old wood burning, cast iron stove. We would come in out of the cold and she would serve us warm cookies, some of my best memories.
December 9th, 2013
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Comments (26)

Liz Knight
CONGRATULATIONS! Your amazing artwork has won SPECIAL MENTION in the 2024 Contest - Gather Around the Season - sponsored by FOUR SEASONS GROUP! Give your artwork an additional boost by posting it in the discussion thread provided at the end of the homepage showcase! WELL DONE!

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Mike, on your 1st Place Win in the Thankful Hearts Contest for this beautiful photograph! L/F

Liz Knight
CONGRATULATIONS! Your entry has one first place in the Contest 2024 Thankful Hearts sponsored by Christian Art and Photography Group! Please post your win in the available discussion thread.

Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your winning 1st Place in the contest… WARM HOLIDAY PICTURE! F/L

Janie Easley Ballard
Hi Mike - congratulations on winning the contest 'Warm Holiday Picture'. Best wishes, Janie

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Mike, on your Win in the Celebrate Thanksgiving Contest for this wonderful photograph!

Valerie Bruno
Congratulations on your 3rd Place win in Kitchen Witch Valentine Sweets and a treats Contest L