City - Chicago, IL - The Chicago Railway Station 1911 - Side by Side

by Mike Savad
City - Chicago, IL - The Chicago Railway Station 1911 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Hand Colorized photo from 1911 Oct 10
Original Title: Passenger Terminal C & NW Ry.
Location: 500 West Madison Street and Canal St, Chicago, IL
There are two pictures of this, a left and a right half. At first I thought it was a panorama, and tried to stitch them, but it seems they were taken from slightly different angles and times of the day, and they never aligned. So I made the right half a few years back, and now this half.
I'm not sure they are doing on the corner, its hard to tell if he's selling tools, or is about to dig for something. On the right is a small news stand with a horseshoe dangling, I think it was used to hold the papers down.
The station was the Chicago & North western railway, it opened roughly when this photo was taken. It was built in an Italian Renaissance Revival-style in limestone, and was once an architectural icon in the heart of the city. It had 16 elevated tracks, and was quite pretty inside, having barrel vaulted ceilings, baths, a medical facility. Eventually it was torn down in 1984 to make room the replacement Northwestern.
May 7th, 2023