City - Chicago, IL - Wintertime in Chicago 1942

by Mike Savad
City - Chicago, IL - Wintertime in Chicago 1942
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1942, Feb
Original title: Michigan Ave
Photographer: John Vachon
Location: 747 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois
Any chance I get, I will rant about winter, I hate winter. I really hate the cold, how slippery the snow is, I hate suddenly looking at the sky with people looking down asking me if I'm alright. And I'm like, what do mean an I alright? Why wouldn't I be alright? Then realize I'm laying on the sidewalk, not sure how I got there, then remembered, that I was walking and saw what I thought was a puddle of water, and it seems it wasn't.
As I slowly sit up, trying to regain my balance, I can't help but admire how pretty it looks. It's quiet, soft, and just makes the area look a little more magical, until that dog with the full bladder comes by.
Kids love winter, people driving in snow, don't like winter. Today is probably not a school day, not in Chicago anyway, Florida probably.
If you are wondering we are, we are admiring Michigan Ave, most of these buildings still exists, a few small ones removed. You can't see it off in the distance but the Wrigley building is down the street.
June 24th, 2023
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Comments (1)

Marie Kaplan
At last! Someone who hates winter like I do. I love the beauty of snow only if I am looking at it through a window. I lived in Minneapolis for 15 years, commuting a half hour to work, cars driving on either side of me, throwing slush on my windshield. I know how to keep my car on the road on ice, but many people do not. Did I mention scraping ice off of windshields, or digging my car tires loose from the ice? Sorry, Hallmark, hot cocoa does not compensate for cold. You may want to add vapor when people exhale in your movies, and runny noses.