City - Questa NM - The center of town 1939

by Mike Savad
City - Questa NM - The center of town 1939
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1939
Original Title: Street Scene
Location: Main St, Questa NM
Questa New Mexico, a very small town, the type of town that you can drive through without noticing you passed through it.
We are probably on Main St, it has everything you would need to live here. Groceries, gas and booze. There is even a place that makes lunches for you. This was very convenient because this was a mining town. They mined molybdenum, and did so for many years. It finally closed in 2014, it had a pretty good run, but it cost more to remove it than what it was worth.
March 16th, 2019