City - Syracuse NY - The Clinton Square Canal 1905
by Mike Savad
City - Syracuse NY - The Clinton Square Canal 1905
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1905
Original Title: Clinton Square
Location: Clinton Square, Syracuse, NY
Located in Syracuse, NY, this is Clinton Square. In its day it was far more functional than it is now. The used this as a port to ship goods up river. On the right is a draw bridge, where people cross in which ever position its in.
Presently this location is a large square pond, as it was mostly filled in, in 1925. The bridge was removed naturally, and that little park was replaced with a large monument.
On the right is the First bank of the area, and it still stands there today, as well as the Second bank right next to it. The Empire hotel doesn't exist today, it looked rather run down in this time though, so its not surprising.
December 4th, 2017