Dentist - School - I love to hear you scream 1904 - Side by Side
by Mike Savad
Dentist - School - I love to hear you scream 1904 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1904
Original title: Dental hall, University of Pennsylvania
Photographer: Detroit publishing
Location: 3300 Smith Walk, Philadelphia, PA
I think what impressed me most about this was that I was able to find the exact chair. This never happens, when I go to color things I scour the net for things in the image that look like or similar and then extrapolate from that. But I was able to find the exact same model, it showed me where the pinstripes went, the inlays etc.
I couldn't find this exact room though, there is a similar one also filled with chairs, but all modern.
I really do wonder what the screams were like though. Can you imagine? A large room that's arched, wood floor, nothing to soak up the sound. It must have been an echo chamber. Then imagine its like finals, and everyone has a victim, I mean patient to work on.
Note that there are no lights near the chairs, only on the ceiling, and only but barely do they have a good light output. They rely on window light for these things. In their practice when they leave here, the chairs have to be by windows where the sun comes up, and be big enough to follow the sun. But if its cloudy, then what? I would hate to think what then? By candle? Lantern? Or just random poking?
Each dentist has a tool box, and I can only assume nothing is sterilized, how could they be put back in the box. Those guys are washing their hands, but I don't see tools there. And those drips on the floor, is that water or blood? There is also quite a bit of used cotton on the floor. I'm also not sure about the X-ray, I'm certain those framed images are X-ray's, but the machine itself would be about 10 years old now. From what I read, it took like 2-3 minutes to get a good exposure, maybe longer. And it hurt to get it, and the entire room was irradiated when they did it. I wonder if they used them in here in school, and maybe that's what those rooms are for.
October 9th, 2020