Farm - Barn - If buildings could talk

by Mike Savad
Farm - Barn - If buildings could talk
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hdr Photography
The barn stood at the far end of the field, barely holding together. Its roof sagged where storms had taken their toll, and the boards, once sturdy, were warped and split. Some had fallen away completely, leaving jagged gaps where the wind rushed through. The door hung at an angle, one hinge rusted nearly to dust.
The fields around it were golden with the last of the autumn grass, the trees beyond already shedding their leaves. Another winter was coming. The barn had seen more than enough of them. It had once been useful, full of life, hay stacked high in the loft, the sounds of work and animals filling the space. Now, it was just a shell. No hands had touched it in years, no repairs made.
The seasons had kept moving, but the barn hadn't. It stood because no one had bothered to tear it down. It wasn't gone, not yet. Just waiting for time to finish the job.
February 3rd, 2025