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Flying Pigs - Plane - Eat Beef Digital Art by Mike Savad

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Comments (29)

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your latest sale Mike! :)

Carol R Montoya

Carol R Montoya

Love it! Congrats!

Elaine Jones

Elaine Jones

Great image Mike! Makes me smile!



A wise pig that, I completely agree!

Augustinas Raginskis

Augustinas Raginskis

Excelent, a really fun and goofy idea. l/f

Charlie Photographer

Charlie Photographer

and what do the cows say? .. any revenge?

Mike Savad replied:

the cow union will probably work on something... ---Mike Savad

Rafael Salazar

Rafael Salazar

Love the way you created this piece. Adorable concept. Congrats. L/V

Britta Glodde

Britta Glodde

Haha! What an idea! Excellent beautiful and funny work. :-) v

Dee Browning

Dee Browning

So enchantingly entertainting.

Joan Davis

Joan Davis

How fun!

Julie Shiroma

Julie Shiroma

fun! v

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Great artwork, Mike f/l.

Wolf Shadow  Photography

Wolf Shadow Photography

fabulous :-D

Tara  Shalton

Tara Shalton

Very witty! v

Elizabeth Winter

Elizabeth Winter

made me smile:-) v

Felicia Tica

Felicia Tica

very original!

David Winson

David Winson

Stunning work! v

Gary Hall

Gary Hall

Splendid work. v/f

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Fabulous! L/F

Rolando Burbon

Rolando Burbon

This Is Cool. It looks Like A Vintage Poster Advertisement. FV

Dobromir Dobrinov

Dobromir Dobrinov

Great work! l/f

Dale Kincaid

Dale Kincaid

Clever. v

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Flying Pigs - Plane - Eat Beef by Mike Savad
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