Grocery - Provincetown, MA - Anybody's Market 1942

by Mike Savad
Grocery - Provincetown, MA - Anybody's Market 1942
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Hand Colorized photo from 1942
Original title: Market in Portuguese fisherman's section
Photographer: John Collier Jr
Location: 30 Bradford St, Provincetown, MA
This is Anybody's Market, a quaint corner store in a small tight knit town. It was owned by Ernest Carreiro, an immigrant from Portugal. He opened this store when he arrived, ran it until he died in 1961, and his son by the same name took over and ran it till 1966, then it became a restaurant called Tip-for-Tops'n Restaurant, it lasted till 2013, now its Liz's Cafe, most of these old buildings still exist around it.
They sold canned goods of one specific brand, fruit, veggies, deli meat, cake, donuts, bread, seed and dog food. They also clearly sold cream, and all sorts of milk.
April 3rd, 2023