Machinist - Lathes - The original Lather Disc

by Mike Savad
Machinist - Lathes - The original Lather Disc
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hdr Photography
Technology has come a long way. Laser discs for example were only called that, because it was named after the original Lather Disc, pronounced LAY-ther. A large metal wheel with holes in it, that when spun produced music. But these were large and needed special equipment to run. This room in fact is really a sort of music hall. People would pay 5 cents to listen to tunes played out by these magnificent wheels.
December 15th, 2014
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Comments (10)

Michael Levy
You have a very appealing HDR technique, and I would love to know how you gain access to these old shops and factories. Cute little joke about "lather discs"--did the 5 cents get one into the mezzanine or balcony?