Movies - Now that is entertainment 1910
by Mike Savad
Movies - Now that is entertainment 1910
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1910
Original Title: Theatre Comique
Location: 1249-1251 Broadway, Detroit MI
Look what you were able to get for just a nickel! For 5 cents you could get 5 hours of pure entertainment. You can see the Great Shomers, Equilibrists Extraordinary physical marvels.
Then you can watch Vaudeville acts like Smith & Adams, A scream. Billy Hines a top notch comedian. George Deonzo a great entertainer. There is even a self explanatory movie!
Always new shows every week. If you pay 10 cents you get an orchestra too!
Look how elegant that building is, makes you wonder how many nickels and dimes it too to pay it all off.
September 9th, 2018