Music - Piano - What's the score
by Mike Savad
Music - Piano - What's the score
Mike Savad
Photograph - Photography
I remember when I was younger, 10 I believe, I was at my Aunt's house, she was 80-85, always spoke slow with a purpose, didn't move too fast either. One night she invited her bridge club, they weren't going to play cards, this was dance night. And I'm thinking, oh great, that sounds like delightful fun.
I sat on that stool, and she slowly cinched up to the keyboard, she cracked her knuckles outward, and then started pounding away on the keys old swing songs. Really lively, something you wouldn't expect an old lady to do on a priceless antique.
And like a magic spell of enchantment, the seniors wobbled up out of their chairs and started to do a sort of Lindy hop, swinging each other around, all you could hear was music and bones cracking. The music would die down, and they would then hobble back to their chairs, looking for their canes and teeth, that probably flew out at some point.... It was pretty unforgettable.
June 9th, 2018