Spring - Bench - A place to retire
by Mike Savad
Spring - Bench - A place to retire
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hdr Photography
Is it just me or is that looking at me? Maybe it's just happy it's finally spring. Tired of all that snow on it's face all winter long. Finally the birds are out, the flowers are growing everywhere. Who can blame this bench for being curious.
May 20th, 2012
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Comments (29)
Barbie Corbett-Newmin
A lovely photo! Congratulations on your 1st place tie in the Seats in a Garden Contest!l
Lesley Evered
CONGRATULATIONS - your picture was voted into SHARED FIRST PLACE in the contest SEATS IN A GARDEN in the group SITTING PRETTY - 9th July 2024 Your winning image is now on the group home page and also in the Winners Archive Discussion where you may leave your message to other group members. The link may be found in the group e mail which will be sent to all members on Thursday.