Steampunk - Surreal - Mind games

by Mike Savad
Steampunk - Surreal - Mind games
Mike Savad
Digital Art - Digital Art
How long has it been anyway? When I was young, life was just one huge chess board. I moved the pieces at will, and it was grand. Getting older though, my mind isn't what it used to be. I seemed to have lost some of the pieces, and while I gained new knowledge, the old ones seems to be slipping away. Time is fun for a while, but at the end, it's your enemy, it takes so much away.
July 5th, 2014
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Comments (19)

GJ Glorijean
MS, Another candidate for wide format new work... How about slicing through horizontally & juxtaposition into a wide view... If you take the wide challenge, drop by WFPPP group Discussion & share your original colorized print & the new wide work. Oh Steampunk R&R Fest is on Sat 4/29/2023 in Washington NJ USA (Warren County) now in its 5th year... The WBID... washingtonbid.org has event info w/ photos from last yr. GJ

Gary F Richards
Outstanding steampunk composition, lighting, shading, lovely color and artwork! F/L voted

Gary F Richards
Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the IT IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD contest!

Constance Lowery
This is only one image, I can not say it is beautiful, wonderfully done or any other good comments because ALL of your artwork is fabulous! You are so talented, your work is amazing. L/Fav/Tw/G+

Mike Breau
Awesome work Mike-plenty enough to bog the mind-love how everything relates to time- from time-consuming chess to metamorphosis, and, of course, a pic of you near the brain that keeps it all tuned in!! !!/V/F