Train - Locomotive - Achoo 1942

by Mike Savad
Train - Locomotive - Achoo 1942
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hand Colorized Photo
Hand colored photo from 1942
Original title: One of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad streamliner diesel electric trains.
Photographer: Jack Delano
Location: Chicago, IL
This is a M-10003 Diesel-Electric streamliner introduced in the late 1930's. There was also a M-10001 and M-10002 and later models. They were designed for high speed, luxurious travel between major cities served by the Union Pacific Railroad.
It featured a sleek, aerodynamic style, powered by diesel-electric engines. The steam you see leaking from its nose was was used to heat (and cool it down in the summer for coaches that had steam-ejector air conditioning installed) the passenger coaches, and was produced by steam boilers on the locomotive. Steam was used on all conventional passenger equipment until the late 1970s when electrical head-end-power (HEP) came into vogue.
Chicago, Illinois. One of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad streamliner diesel electric trains. These trains are operated jointly with the Union Pacific Railroad to the west coast.
May 5th, 2024