Apothecary - Spell books and Potions 1913
by Mike Savad
Apothecary - Spell books and Potions 1913
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1913
Original Title: Men inside of Oxford Drug Store
Location: Oxford, Ohio
This is a place for wizards. A place where you can hang out with your own kind, a place where you can get potions mixed up to specifications. You can buy premixed items, or magical spell books and other goods.
However because it looks like a common apothecary, they must preform the wizard test, the staring contest. You see wizards are a wile bunch and they like a good stare. The harder the stare, the better the wizard. Normal people don't like staring at each other, which is why this is such a good test.
June 2nd, 2016