Beer Maker - The brewmasters basement

by Mike Savad
Beer Maker - The brewmasters basement
Mike Savad
Photograph - Hdr Photography
Isn't it funny how people will totally ignore the wooden barrel, unless its' flipped on its side and has a spout in it? On it's side, it hold wine, spirits, rum, or any number of alcoholic substances. Yet standing up, it's mistaken for a garbage can or a seat. For centuries the wooden barrel has been used to store things, but wine and beer are the most popular items that are stored in barrels to imbue the flavor of the wood. The shape makes it easier to roll.
May 5th, 2014
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Comments (5)

Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful photograph with great light and shadows, colors, and perspective, Mike! Congratulations on your Third Place in the Favorite Brewery Images contest! F/L

Julien Leonard
Love this picture ! You can see the dust of time slowly falling on the wood and stone ... Love it !