Boat - The painted sea

by Mike Savad
Boat - The painted sea
Mike Savad
Photograph - Digital Art
There are those that believe that the earth was created by a sky entity that simply made everything on a whim for no real reason. Leaving it us so we can enjoy then destroy it, and so far we are doing a great job doing that. However others believe an artist made the world, that's why its so colorful and yet strange at the same time.
September 18th, 2020
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Comments (12)

Bob Christopher
Hi Mike... I like your image and your message. Very nicely executed and presented... Cheers Bob fv

Daniel Arrhakis
Congratulations ! Your Wonderful Creative Art was featured in our CREATIVE DIGITAL ART COMMUNITY group !

Catherine Hamilton
This is great, and I love the story behind it. Wonderfully imaginative answer to the challenge.

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!" Sharing on Pinterest Board - Images That Excite You!

Bentley Davis
Congratulations! I have chosen your intriguing work to be featured in the Art for the Love of Art group.

Murray Rudd
Congratulations on being featured in the FAA Group 'Promote Your Work Here and Get Noticed.' To ensure your feature remains available over time, post your featured image(s) in the Group's featured image archive (l/f and pinned, www.pinterest.ca/tendrelimages/00-promote-your-work-here-get-noticed/)