Machinist - Training - The training room 1918 - Side by Side

by Mike Savad
Machinist - Training - The training room 1918 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1918
Original Title: Dept of labor training service Gen'l Elec Co
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
This is the Department of labor training facility, teaching everyone how to be machinists. Presumably they were making parts for World War I. As you can see its a pretty modern shop, there is no direct line drive here. The machines seem to have their own motor, and from what we can see, the motor is built in, and not added later.
I've made this workshop before, but from the other side of the room. The original was super dark and it took a bit to get any details out, there were quite a few scratches as well. Since I already made this room, I used those colors. The posters in the background were YWCA posters and I found two of them, the others were too soft to read. I debated cloning out that extra leg on the table, but kept it in as it may be a pedal for that lathe to turn it on or off maybe? It's nice to see they did have a ventilation system.
January 16th, 2024
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