Kitchen - The whole kitchen and caboodle

by Mike Savad
Kitchen - The whole kitchen and caboodle
Mike Savad
Photograph - Photography
My grandmother's old kitchen. She baked pies, she baked cookies, and cake. Now and then things were healthy, but that's not her job, her job was to fill me with sweets... But then sadly she died.
And now its my kitchen, and you'll note its spotless. Because she haunts me every day in this kitchen, where she slaved over a hot stove and died because of it. Every day, all I see and hear is her pointing to things I need to clean up.
What's worse is, when I bake cookies, I get a live critique of everything I'm doing wrong. You need more butter, more butter.... ooooo more butter. It has enough butter, its all butter now. Just one big pool of butter with very little actual dough.
Its not like I can just kick her out, I have no way of doing that. It wouldn't be nice, after all she is just trying to help.
November 25th, 2018