Smoking - Cigar - Hand rolled cigars 1909 - Side by Side

by Mike Savad
Smoking - Cigar - Hand rolled cigars 1909 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1909
Original Title: A union shop
Location: Tampa, Florida
I liked all the faces in this, even though you can really only see one in there, it just has a nice blue collar feel to it. You can almost feel the heat that is in this room.
But it had a challenge, I knew there would be a lot of brown in this, chairs, desks, cigars, tobacco etc, were all going to be a shade of brown. So I added color in the people sitting in there instead. And really tried to vary the shades of brown.
I also lit the lights, It needed the feeling of actually being there. A few interesting notes, people removed their collars, jackets and suspenders. Its Florida, and it was probably pretty warm in there, with all those people (up to 60). The windows looked closed as well. It was probably fairly dark in there too. Also quite a few people have a pocket watch hanging near by for the time.
This image was taken to show that there were no children workers that worked here.
September 24th, 2017