Sport - Pool - Kiddie pool 1909 - Side by Side

by Mike Savad
Sport - Pool - Kiddie pool 1909 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1909
Original Title: Newsboy Club. Boston 1915 Exhibit
Photographer: Lewis Wickes Hine
Location: Boston, MA
When that flash went off, I'm certain they blinded everyone in the room. It looks like its evening, the only light comes from a few open flames, so it must be romantically dark. Then a photographer comes in and blinds the poor kids. That said it was still a longish exposure, long enough that one of the kids has eyes while closing them. Or that's what it looks like.
When I first made this, I thought there was a mirror on the left, but there isn't, the room is large. The reflection is actually not reversed of what we see, even though there are two children that look similar on the opposite corners.
The corner was missing, so I copied the first leg and reversed it. I also downplayed some of the shadows under the table, to redirect it because it looked weird that way.
June 21st, 2020