City - Brattleboro, VT - Brattleboro Blizzard 1940

by Mike Savad
City - Brattleboro, VT - Brattleboro Blizzard 1940
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Hand colored photo from 1940, February
Original Title: Corner of Main St, Center of town after blizzard.
Photographer: Marion Post Wolcott
Location: Corner of High St and Main St, Brattleboro, VT
In Brattleboro, Vermont, a picturesque scene unfolds after a blizzard. At the town's center stands a notable building on the right, once known as the original town hall. Its construction dates back to 1855, with an expansion in 1895 to accommodate an auditorium that was then recognized as the opera house. This venue welcomed esteemed speakers, including Henry Ward Beecher, Frederick Douglass, Horace Greeley, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Mark Twain.
Over time, the building underwent changes. By the 1920s, it was transformed into the town's sole movie theater, enjoying its heyday. However, as competing theaters emerged, its popularity waned, leading to its relocation to a high school in 1951. Eventually, the building met its demise and was demolished.
Following its demolition, a new chapter unfolded. The W.T. Grant Department store took its place, incorporating elements salvaged from the old structure. Notably, the right wall and block supports were preserved and integrated into the present-day building, serving as a reminder of the past and adding character to the new establishment. Today, visitors can still appreciate these remnants, connecting with the history that resides within Brattleboro's architectural landscape.
June 30th, 2023
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Don Columbus
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