Machinist - Gun - Barrels of Excellence 1917 - Side by Side

by Mike Savad
Machinist - Gun - Barrels of Excellence 1917 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1917
Original title: 14 inch guns ready to go to proving ground
Photographer: Harris & Ewing
Location: Washington Navy Yard, Washington DC
This is the Washington Navy Yard, in DC, it was originally established in 1799, and are still in operation today. They make entire ships and the ammo, guns etc that go onto it. This particular room checks the cannons for the proper sizing. It's basically quality control, and its really important to get the measurement correct. Don't want a jammed cannon.
I am a bit confused how they moved these around and what they did if the tolerance was off. Due to where the posts are, I'm not sure how they moved these around, I mean they obviously had a method, I guess they slipped it in sideways. But what if it was wrong? There was something in the lathe behind them, would they have to be backed out and in again? I'm guessing they did it right the first time and they never had to shuffle them around. I can't imagine they used their shoulder power to carry it.
January 16th, 2024