Train Station - Garrison train station 1880

by Mike Savad
Train Station - Garrison train station 1880
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1880
Original Title: Garrison New York
Photographer: Detroit Publishing
Location: 25 Garrisons Landing, Philipstown, NY
Garrison's Landing is a small historic area located between what is now the Metro-North Hudson line and the Hudson River. This town was built in the 1850's. This train station was probably built a few years later, it was replaced in 1892 and its still in use today, just not as a train station.
Some of the people are probably local, and a few I'm certain are time travelers.
February 5th, 2017
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Comments (7)

John Hughes
Mike,Congratulations, your image Train Station.... has been featured on the Homepage of the Candid Street Photography Group. As a permanent record of this recognition you may add your image to the Group Discussion thread Candid Street Photography Archive for Featured Artwork