Bar - Proud to be americans 1941 - Side by Side

by Mike Savad
Bar - Proud to be americans 1941 - Side by Side
Mike Savad
Photograph - Colorized Photo
Colorized photo from 1941, April
Original title: Bartender and owner of tavern on the southside of Chicago, IL
Photographer: Russell Lee
Location: Chicago, IL (Southside)
I was able to find some of those botles, some may be local brands. They all seem to have an illinois sticker on it, or the shape looks like that state. I did the best i could to remove the glare. I would like to know what the rest of that sign says about served at the left corner. i removed it because it added nothing. i would like to know what the story is behind that salami hanging from the ceiling. nearly every bottle behind them is some form of bourbon whiskey.
These bartenders proudly standing beneath a banner declaring their profound love for their country. Their sense of duty reflect a deep sense of their connection with the American spirit. They are ready to serve all of those who want to get wasted for the night.
Coloring this I did the best I could to remove the intense glare and shadow problem they had. As for colors, I found like one bottle per shelf, the rest weren't known, or not found. So I made my best guess on those. I did find that banner in different formats, couldn't find that exact year liquor license, but I did look. The photostat receipts were blue then.
I have no idea where there is a salami hanging from the ceiling. Or what that Served sign says, but I did remove it as it didn't add to the image.
February 7th, 2024
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